As DECC is an exclusively rack spray coating applicator, we refer a good amount of work to dip-spin applicators. If we receive an RFQ for a part geometry that lends itself to a bulk application, we will not provide a quote without first sending them to a dip-spin applicator. We want current and potential customers to get the best price possible and a rack spray process is almost always more expensive than a dip-spin process…up front.
However, we also receive a good amount of new work from customers that have sourced with a dip-spin applicator on a part that should not be coated in a bulk method and, as a result, were experiencing significant quality issues.

Some part geometries cannot be coated in a dip-spin application, with the above snap ring being a great example. Flat components, such as washers or snap rings, will almost always nest together during the coating process. This will cause parts to not only stick together, but then have coating voids when pulled apart (as shown in the picture).
These types of parts will require a 100% sort after a dip-spin coating application. This particular customer was not only absorbing sorting costs after coating, but scrapping over 20% of their product due to quality issues.
Although DECC’s rack spray process was more expensive than a dip-spin process up front, the cost for the sort labor and lost product began to far outweigh the savings. As a result, we are now rack spray coating their parts, their sorting is no longer needed, and they can ship 100% of the product they sent out for processing.
Four of DECC’s top ten customers have come to us with the same issue – they could no longer accept the unforeseen costs that accompany a dip-spin coating process on a part for which it is not suited.
If you are experiencing quality or delivery issues with a dip-spin coating application and need to make a change, be sure to contact DECC today.